Paper & Presentations
This page contains my papers( including their status), presentations, panels, and review duties.
Publications (status)
Bötticher, A., Hernandez, J., Kettemann, M., Gast, V., & Araiza Bravo, R. (2023). Introducing a Research Programme for Quantum Humanities: Theoretical Implications. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 14(3), 435-456. doi:10.1017/err.2023.71
Utilizing Selenium for Historical Data Web Scraping (Accepted) Programming Historian - Author
Presentations & Panels
- Presenter for the Conference at the University of Jena Building a National Innovation System for Quantum Technology (September 2023) - Presentation:Education in the Humanities on Quantum Computing: Learning from the Past
- Panelist for Virtual Residency Introductory Workshop (June 2023) - Panel: Facilitating for non-traditional disciplines
- Paper Presenter for Conference at Max Planck Institute of Legal History and Legal Theory (May 2023) - Paper: Citation Analysis of International Law Journals, 1869-1939
- Paper Presenter for Conference for Society of Military History (May 2021) - Paper: Mongol Military Legacy in Tsarist Russia: Correcting Appropriation by the Military West
- Outreach and Education for HPC for SC23 (November 2023)
- Humanities in HPC for SC23 (November 2023)
Review duties
- Reviewer for Digital Humanities Quarterly
- Reviewer for United States Research Software Engineer Conference 2023